Vella Stock Feeds a business that specialises in the formulation, manufacture and distribution of both bulk and packaged product. Customised formulations allow us to manufacture a purpose-built feed to suit the true needs of your livestock
Chick/Duck Starter Crumble:
- Fine crumble diet suitable for both baby Layer Chicks and Ducklings form day old up to 5-6 weeks of age
- Higher Niacin to support Ducklings
- Contains a natural herbal Coccidiostat with no withholding period on both meat or eggs, safe for Ducklings.
- 20% protein
- Available by the kilo, 10kg or 18kg bag
Pullet Grower Micro Pellet:
- Course crumble diet suitable for both Layer Pullets & Ducks form 5-6 weeks of age until 18-20 weeks of age.
- Higher Niacin to support Ducks
- Contains a natural herbal Coccidiostat with no withholding period for both meat & eggs, safe for Ducks
- Available in 10 or 18kg bags
Free Range Layer Pellet:
- Short cut pellet suitable for all home Free Ranging Laying Hens from 18-20 weeks of age and on, requiring high egg production and flock health
- 25% Protein
- Available in 10 or 20kg bags
Free Range Scratch Mix:
- Grain mix with nutrient shortcut pellet containing essential nutrients required by Laying Hens. Can be fed as a treat and or on its own or blended with Free Range Layer Pellets and Poultry Supreme as a blend.
- 12.5% Protein
- Available in 10 or 20kg bags
Duck Grower Pellet:
- Pelleted diet suitable for Ducks from 18-20 weeks of age & on or until desired table weight is achieved.
- Higher Niacin for Ducks
- 16.5% Protein
- Available in 10 or 20kg bags
Meat Bird Starter Crumble:
- Fine crumble diet suitable for all table birds (Broiler, Turkey, Quail, Pheasant, Squab, Geese) form day old up to 5-6 weeks of age.
- Contains a natural herbal Coccidiostat with no withholding period for both meat and eggs
- 23.5% Protein
- Available in 18kg bags
Meat Bird Finisher Crumble:
- Course crumble diet suitable for all table birds (Broiler, Turkey, Quail, Pheasant, Squab, Geese) form 5-6 weeks of age until desired target weight.
- Contains a natural herbal Coccidiostat with no withholding period for both meat & eggs
- 19% Protein
- Available in 18kg bags